Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I Missed Free RPG Day

You'd think as school ends for my kids and it gets warmer things would get easier around here. The opposite is the case. The lack of a normal weekly routine creates chaos here. Warm weather takes me outside for yard work, outdoor photo excursions, films on the back deck, fires, BBQs, and more.

The weekends fill up and a slew of birthdays, graduations, and upcoming weddings find a way to pull me away from the web, my blog, and gaming in general. I always swear it won't happen and every year I contradict myself and act incongruously to some ideal I can simply not live up to.

I even just figured out that I missed Free RPG day. :( That did suck. I'm just too busy doing other things. I'd love to hear from everyone. Post on WNWA G+ page. or just post comments here. Or PM me and we can chat. I'm here, I'm just not here-here.

I did manage to pre-order the fast approaching D&D basic set at my local gaming store. I'll definitely post when we get that. I 100% promise.

So what have I been up to? Well here are a few pictures just so you know I've not been sitting around doing nothing...

My new Jeep keeps me busy. 

I've been out and about taking pictures. 

My dad turned 70! :)

I found these awesome crates @ Target. I'm using them for gaming stuff. 

We've had outdoor video game nights...

and outdoor fires. 

I had a shed removed

And we had a garage sale. Don't worry, we wound up keeping all these toys. They are now in the attic.